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Extension for Current Allowances

August 20, 2020

Pursuant to North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper’s Executive Order No. 130, Section 3, the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Speech Language Pathology and Audiology (“Board”) has been authorized to waive or modify regulatory licensure requirements temporarily for persons that meet certain qualifications, where those licensure requirements would prevent or impair allowing those persons to provide […]

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Clinical Practicum Requirements for Licensure

August 4, 2020

Applicants for a temporary audiology license will no longer be required to obtain clinic hours in specific areas in order to be licensed. Instead, applicants for a temporary audiology license must submit evidence of completing at minimum 350 hours of clinical experience. Applicants for an initial permanent audiology license and those transitioning from a temporary audiology […]

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Current Special Allowances

July 13, 2020

Pursuant to North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper’s Executive Order No. 130, Section 3, the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Speech Language Pathology and Audiology (“Board”) has been authorized to waive or modify regulatory licensure requirements temporarily for persons that meet certain qualifications, where those licensure requirements would prevent or impair allowing those persons to provide […]

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COVID-19 Executive Order 147

June 29, 2020

Licensees should review Executive Order 147 https://files.nc.gov/governor/documents/files/EO147-Phase-2-Extension.pdf

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Clinical Practicum Requirements for Licensure

June 18, 2020

The North Carolina Board of Examiners for Speech and Language Pathologists and Audiologists (NCBOESLPA) will no longer enforce 90-295 (a)(3) of Article 22.Licensure Act for Speech and Language Pathologists and Audiologists requiring clinical hours to be broken into specified diagnostic areas. Instead, applicants for a temporary speech and language pathology license must submit evidence of completing […]

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Governor Cooper has Proclaimed June as CMV Awareness Month.

June 15, 2020

Please see the governor’s proclamation regarding June as CMV awareness month and the impact on hearing! This is a big effort from our state CMV task force and sets us up for further work on universal CMV screening for newborns.

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Out of State Telepractice

May 29, 2020

Pursuant to North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper’s Executive Order No. 130, Section 3, the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Speech Language Pathology and Audiology (“Board”) has been authorized to waive or modify regulatory licensure requirements temporarily for persons that meet certain qualifications, where those licensure requirements would prevent or impair allowing those persons to provide […]

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Reminder to Potential Employers

May 19, 2020

As a reminder to potential employers, temporary licensees are permitted to use telepractice as a platform to provide services. The Board is currently accepting telesupervsion in place of direct face-to-face supervision. 

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Examination Delays

April 24, 2020

The Board has received several inquiries asking what allowances might be made for new graduates who have not yet been able to sit for the Praxis exam. While it is preferred that temporary licensees have passed the exam prior to working with the public, it is not required by Article 22. Licensure Act for Speech and […]

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Notice to SLP-Assistant Supervisors

April 16, 2020

*This accommodation is being made to assist SLP-Assistants and their supervisors during the COVID-19 crisis in order to assist in meeting the public need of access to care.   In order to assist with these special circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 crisis, the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Speech and Language Pathologists and Audiologist has temporarily […]

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