OTC Hearing Aids and "Prescription" Hearing Aids Resource Page view page


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The Board interprets the word “supervision” used in G.S. 90-295(3) to require that the supervision must be performed by a person who holds either a valid license under this Article or a Certificate of Clinical Competence of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, in the area for which supervised credit is sought. As a minimum standard of supervision, clinical supervisors who are physically present in the same facility and accessible to the student during the performance of the practicum must directly observe at least 50 percent of each evaluation session, including screening and identification activities, and at least 25 percent of each student’s total contact time with each client.

As a minimum standard of supervision of students through telesupervision, the supervisor must be simultaneously virtually available by virtual session and accessible to the student 100 percent of the time for each evaluation session and must directly observe at least 50 percent of each evaluation session, including screening and identification activities, and at least 25 percent of each student’s total contact time with each client.

History Note: Authority G.S. 90-294(c)(2); 90-304(3); 150B-40(b);

Eff. October 1, 1992.

It is the responsibility of each University to ensure that they satisfy the clinical requirements of the professional associations and the requirements necessary to maintain accreditation.