OTC Hearing Aids and "Prescription" Hearing Aids Resource Page view page

Temporary Licensee

List of Information

If you’re a temporary/provisional licensee applicant, please review the relevant temporary licensure page under “Apply” for the correct information.

The completion date refers to the deadline for completing all observation hours. Your expiration date is twenty days after the completion date, allowing time for the Board office to process your paperwork. If there are any changes to your SEY Plan, you must provide the Board with an updated plan in advance. All changes require prior approval to maintain the validity of your temporary license.

To transition from temporary to permanent licensure, you’ll need to submit your SEY Report and pay the permanent licensure fee of $60. Please note that online payments may include a convenience charge.

Additionally, we may require the following:

  • If your Praxis scores have not been made available, please do so. The reporting code is 7757.
  • Official transcripts showing your master’s degree conferred. These can be submitted electronically by your institution to transcripts@ncboeslpa.org or mailed to NCBOESLPA, PO Box 16885, Greensboro, NC 27416-0885.

Important: Official transcripts submitted by applicants often do not include degree confirmation of the degree conferred. For permanent licensure, we require an official transcript showing the degree conferred.

Fill out online

With our new system, once you have entered your hours you will need to let your supervisor know. The system does not send an email notifying them.