OTC Hearing Aids and "Prescription" Hearing Aids Resource Page view page

Active Disciplinary License Suspensions

  • Scott Miller SLP #8896: Suspended (Undetermined) 04/06/2015
  • Lee Ellen Oeser SLP #10971: Voluntarily Surrendered 04/27/2018
  • Jason Banks SLP #5915: Voluntarily Surrendered 09/03/2019
  • Kristina Ricks SLP #9566: Suspended for 10 years effective 10/20/2020
  • Lisa Jones SLP #7507: Suspended 1 year and 6 months effective 01/24/2022 – Eligible for reinstatement upon completion of requirements.
  • Dana Davis SLP #14538: Suspended 4 years effective 11/02/2023
  • Lucile Fuller SLP #8761: Voluntarily Surrendered, suspended for 10 years effective 12/01/2023
  • Gregory Dampier #13959: Eligible for reinstatement upon completion of requirements.